To create and build your dream home is one of the most exciting endeavours that you will undertake. It’s one we respect, and the building process is one that we carry out with care, knowledge, experience and a passion for your dream.
You may already have a design and need a builder, or have a design in mind but need assistance with bringing it to life – either way we are here to assist you.
With the right builder, even your laundry can look amazing.
Right from the beginning you will be speaking with the man who will be building your new home – Chris. He’s also one of the partners in Xenith Constructions.
The first step is simple – meet with Chris on site to discuss your preliminary design ideas and talk about your requirements and your vision for your new home.
Meet on site with Chris and the Architect / Designer to discuss your vision and concepts. The levels of the site, orientation of the house and energy efficiency along with many other things will all be considered when designing your home.
Upon receiving proposed plans you can liaise with the Architect until you are completely satisfied with the design. An estimated quote can then be done to ensure it is within your budget. When you are completely satisfied, full working drawings are then drawn up, ready to be submitted to the engineers and certifier/council.
Once full working drawings are complete a fixed price and specifications are submitted to you.
Meet with Chris once the price has been accepted to complete the HIA’s Standard Contract and Specifications.
Xenith Constructions will then submit the plans to a certifier who will then lodge all necessary building and plumbing approvals with the relevant Council. While we are waiting for council approval, you can meet with our interior designer to discuss colour and product selections.
Once we have received council approval, Chris will discuss with you the details associated with the construction. This will include time lines as to when product selection is to be finalised, ensuring the ordering of materials and booking in of relevant tradesman are done, so that the construction schedule runs as smoothly as possible. During construction Chris will be in contact with you at all times and is happy for you to discuss any selections or concerns you may have. The certifier/engineer we have engaged will certify all parts of the construction including the footings, slab, plumbing, frame and final stages.